IQ-Bus Project

Pilotless passenger and cargo logistics

The project is to organize the unmanned transportation of passengers and cargo in the territories and with limited movement of vehicles. The developed system includes a transport platform (unmanned bus), as well as a dispatching system. The system allows movement along a given route with stops both at designated places and upon request.

Passenger Transportation

The project involves the launch of Russia’s first unmanned public transport. Shuttles are able to move independently along a trained route, allow people and cars to pass through, and make comfortable disembarking and landing of passengers.

One of the main priorities in the implementation of this project is a high level of system safety and passenger comfort. Shuttles are equipped with a large number of sensor systems that allow for continuous monitoring of external zones and conditions. For safety reasons, the speed is limited to 15 km / h.

The implementation of this phase of the project will further fully implement the launch of unmanned vehicles on the territory of Skolkovo.

The project aims to develop a set of software and equipment for the system of interterminal transport messages, which will automate the movement of vehicles carrying freight and passengers on regular routes.

The system is designed for integration into low-power automated transport platforms that do not require mandatory registration in the traffic police. The system can be implemented in areas with limited vehicle traffic.

The complex of different in its purpose sensor systems provides a high level of safety for pedestrians and passengers.

Autonomous freight transport

The unmanned cargo logistics system is designed to organize the transport of goods in closed or partially restricted areas: warehouses, factories, etc. The autopilot developed by the company can move and maneuver autonomously depending on the task and the situation, recognize obstacles and pedestrians, interact with other members of the movement. The system has a wide range of scenarios and supports a large number of sensory and navigation systems of both Russian and foreign production.


  • Loading the route of the transport unit (an ordered list of reference points through which the vehicle must move, including the start and finish points)
  • Download global map terrain
  • Formation of a local cross-country map based on a combination of sensor system data while driving at speeds up to 20 km / h
  • Global patency update
  • The construction of the trajectory of the vehicle taking into account the detected static and dynamic obstacles (the planned motion curve)
  • Record a vehicle track (actually the curve along which it moved)
  • Unloading on request route, trajectory and track
  • Unloading at the request of local maps
  • Self-diagnostics of all vehicle subsystems (charge level, air pressure in tires, etc.)
  • Route optimization based on collected statistics
  • Adaptation of the schedule for the current conditions
  • The project was developed with the support of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.