Design hakaton in the Skolkovo technopark - Avrora Robotics

Design hakaton in the Skolkovo technopark


On June 26, in the territory of the Skolkovo Technopark, a design hackaton was studied among the students and graduates of the MGHPA them. S.G. Stroganov, MSTU them. N.E. Bauman, VSE, British Higher School of Design and NITU «MISIS», in which «Aurora Robotics» was the customer for the development of the exclusive exterior of the unmanned tractor «AgroBot».

The aim of the project is to establish links between the communities of designers and engineers and to improve innovative products of domestic producers. For three days, young designers worked on improving its appearance, which resulted in the announcement of the winning teams: Stroganovka and MAMI DESIGN, which offered an advanced multifunctional way of upgrading the AgroBot project.

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